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Elsa And Anna: Christmas Cleaning

Everyone is preparing their Christmas mood by cleaning their homes, decorating them with all kinds of Christmas decorations, decorating the Christmas tree, cooking traditional Christmas meals and so on. Well, your two friends from the Disney Frozen cartoons, Elsa and Anna, are getting ready in their own way. The girls held quite a few parties at their home this year, and the castle looks terrible, upside down! One more time, they need to prepare for this year's Christmas party, which they obviously need to hold it at their castle. There are only a few days left until Christmas, and the girls, Anna and Elsa, need to clean up the castle before the party starts, so, will you girls help them? Great! Let's start cleaning up everything, throw the unnecessary items in the garbage, put the clothes in the dirty laundry basket, and make sure you do all these in a record time. Have fun!

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Elsa And Anna: Christmas Cleaning

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Elsa And Anna: Christmas Cleaning

Everyone is preparing their Christmas mood by cleaning their homes, decorating them with all kinds of Christmas decorations, decorating the Christmas tree, cooking traditional Christmas meals and so on. Well, your two friends from the Disney Frozen cartoons, Elsa and Anna, are getting ready in their own way. The girls held quite a few parties at their home this year, and the castle looks terrible, upside down! One more time, they need to prepare for this year's Christmas party, which they obviously need to hold it at their castle. There are only a few days left until Christmas, and the girls, Anna and Elsa, need to clean up the castle before the party starts, so, will you girls help them? Great! Let's start cleaning up everything, throw the unnecessary items in the garbage, put the clothes in the dirty laundry basket, and make sure you do all these in a record time. Have fun!
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